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Tips on how to get a Good Night’s Sleep

Tips on how to get a Good Night’s Sleep
Ever seen that scene from the movie when the character leaps out of bed, pours a hot cup of coffee, puts on an amazingly colour-coordinated outfit and heads off to smash their day? Queue the jealousy!


In reality, leaping out of bed can be the last thing you want to do, and a bad night’s sleep can make it even harder.

Having a bad night’s sleep can affect your whole day, making you feel sleepy and sluggish and demotivated for what needs to be done. Can you remember the last time you had a great sleep and woke up feeling fresh?

If your answer was no, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve rounded up six tips to help you get the good sleep you deserve that’ll keep you going all day long!

Here are all the tips you need to ensure you get a good sleep and wake up feeling fresh and ready for the day:


1. Avoid going to bed hungry or stuffed



To get the best possible sleep, avoid going to bed after a heavy meal or with your tummy rumbling. As your food digests or your stomach craves food, it can cause discomfort and keep you wide awake.

If you can, eat a meal at least three hours before you go to sleep to give your body time to digest your food and for you to feel comfortable as you drift off to sleep.

Avoiding caffeine will benefit you too so try to stick with water or even a herbal tea which should send you into a successful sleepy slumber!


2. Stick to a bedtime routine



Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird then a routine can help you get a better night’s sleep! Sticking to these times can keep your sleep-wake cycle consistent.

Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day to keep a good routine and add structure. This will help your sleep seem more thorough and will help to create positive habits surrounding it.

The recommended amount of sleep is 7 hours so, if possible, try to incorporate this into your routine and you should find that your body clock adjusts and helps you have a better night's sleep!


3. No naughty naps!



Sometimes there’s nothing better than curling up underneath a blanket and drifting off into a warm and cosy midday nap. We’ve all been there!

Avoid giving into this nagging nap and stick to a short 30-minute one to ensure you’re evening sleep schedule stays on track. Short naps can boost your energy and remove any sleepiness that’s caused by bad sleep.

Set an alarm if you feel the need to nap and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and remain ready to sleep in the evening!


4. Set the scene



Setting the scene can be a hugely beneficial element of getting good sleep as it can help you feel relaxed, comfortable, and ready for an effective night of good sleep!

A cool room is the optimum sleeping condition as you curl up under a warm duvet, and a soft breeze coming through the window should help you peacefully drift off.

Avoid technology for a while before you go to sleep to allow your mind to wind down. At this time, why not indulge in a nice hot bubble bath with herbal tea to further relax you? It’ll work wonders!


5. Don’t put pressure on yourself



There’s nothing worse than the cycle of “I need to fall asleep now so that I’m not exhausted tomorrow but because I’m thinking this, I can’t get to sleep which means I will be even more exhausted tomorrow.”

We’ve all been there, and they can be the worst nights as you’re stuck in a sleepy cycle. Putting pressure on yourself will only keep you awake and stop you from having a good night’s sleep.

Focussing your mind on something other than sleep like calming music, comforting thoughts or a soothing podcast can help to relax you and help you to drift off.


6. Deep breathing can help you have a deep sleep



When you’re trying to fall asleep, a racing mind can get in the way and stop you from relaxing. Anxious, stressful, or intrusive thoughts can keep you awake as they run around your mind.

Taking time to breathe deeply can push these thoughts away, focus your mind and help you to drift off to sleep as you breathe out your stress.



Placing your tongue against the ridge behind your upper teeth can be a good place to start deep breathing. Deep breathing can help you to relax and direct your thoughts away from anxious ones.

Try the 4-7-8 method and inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and then exhale out of your mouth for eight seconds. This method can calm your mind, focus your breathing, and help you to fall asleep.

Remember, don’t put pressure on yourself and take the time to create the right environment for a good sleep. Set a routine and a deep, productive, and effective sleep should follow!

A good night's sleep can work wonders for your day-to-day life, and we hope these tips will help you! Connect with us at Conturve today and share more of your successful sleeping hacks today!