Tips for Home Working Mums

The juggling is real!.... And we aren’t referring to the clown and kids party you have on your long “to-do” list! The infinite list that seemingly never stunts in growth, just like your kids (*adds Summer shoe shopping and new T-shirts to list*). So ladies, with a family, work, and a house to maintain, is it any wonder we struggle for some needed self-care time?
The ladies at Conturve have your back. We get it, we feel the struggle! So, we decided to put a few of our top tips together, a little inspiration, to encourage you to take that moment to yourself and regain any of the precious lost time.
Remember, there is only one you, so look after yourself.
A YOU Morning
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash
This may require waking with the dawn chorus to avoid the pitter-patter of small, breakfast-hunting feet. However, if you get a moment to sit in peace, enjoy a hot coffee and breakfast sans squabbles and morning grumps, you will have that extra bounce in your step to take on the day. Drink a large glass of water to set your body on the right track and even try to step outside and breathe in the fresh, peaceful morning air.
If your worry is having to throw on clothes in the fear of disturbing the family, why not wear a comfortable bra and shorts in bed. They are comfy to get that well-needed night’s rest in, and when you get up in the morning, throw a sweater over the top and you have the perfect outfit to lounge in for those precious peaceful moments.
Put a Spring in Your Step… Literally…
Photo by Dane Wetton on Unsplash
OK, we get it, it might not sound like the most enticing way to spend any moments when you aren’t being pulled pillar to post with constant requests. However, taking a twenty-minute walk at lunchtime to clear your head and stretch out your legs can set you up for the rest of the day. Or, if you are more of a Yoga or Pilates fan, why not opt for an online class and focus your attention on your core and breathing. If you are really brave, why not try a quick Hiit class (ten glorious minutes with Joe Wicks!)... We will leave that one to the braver among us!
Stop the rummage. Rather than hunting high and low for your workout gear, why not have one designated draw that you can reach for when the moment inspires you. A good comfy bra, leggings, or a Cami make the perfect staples to throw on as you head out for a walk or a stretch in your lounge.
Create an Easy Capsule Wardrobe
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
How many hours do we truly lose of our lives, standing and staring into the great abyss that is our wardrobes? Rummaging for an outfit as though we are hunting for Nania! The frustration of “not having anything to wear” or feeling bloated, so instantly deeming half of our clothes unwearable! Why not have a good clearout. It’s a hideous job, we know! But sorting through and picking your top items for that season, will make your morning routine flow easier, and knowing you will always have an outfit that makes you feel confident to hand.
How about stepping up to your wardrobe each day, with the knowledge that you can grab an outfit, slip on your shapewear, and feel amazing in it? No matter the time of the month, week, or how full the moon is! Have a Conturve comfort bra and shorts combo as an essential to stop the rummage, and feel great in all your clothes. Even working from home, dressing confidently will naturally empower you and make you feel the superwoman you are. Even invest in a cape, if anyone deserves one, you do!
Be Kind to Yourself
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
As mums, we remind our children regularly of the importance to be kind. So from the ladies at Conturve, we are reminding you to be kind. Be kind to YOURSELF. Don’t go sweating the small stuff and wasting unnecessary energy or encouraging extra grey hairs. Remind yourself that you are human. Tips can help make life feel a little easier, but ultimately life can only be easier if you are easy on yourself. You are doing great. You are trying your best. For those times when you feel like you are failing (we have all been there!), remember what advice you would tell your children, and take a leaf out of your own book. You are a superwoman and don’t forget it.
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Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash