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Our Top Tips for a Joy-Filled Festive Season

Our Top Tips for a Joy-Filled Festive Season
Here we are again in that time of year that brings lots of festive cheer, family time and the chance to relax and celebrate all the hard work you’ve done throughout the year. Whether you're baking on rainy days, a Christmas movie marathon or dancing the night away, celebrate this festive season how you want and with the people you love.


As much as we all love this time of year and the big build-up that begins at the end of October, it can be hard to make time for everything. Seeing family and friends and keeping organised on top of it all it can sometimes feel overwhelming.

We’ve put together a list of six activities and tips you can take on board this festive season to make sure it’s filled with happiness and fun, and still allows you to get what you need to get done, done!

Grab a festive hot drink (hot chocolate is a great example), sit back and enjoy our dose of festive cheer!


1. Get your Christmas shopping done early



Are you on the unorganised list this Christmas? We all know the familiar last-minute Christmas present mad dash as we take on the crowds, the music and the out-of-stock gifts all at once.

Sometimes it can’t be helped, but we highly recommend getting your Christmas shopping done early and in plenty of time to avoid this stressful situation. Find some time to list present ideas, go shopping with them in mind and give yourself plenty of time.

If you don’t have the time or don’t want to face the busy crowds, free up an evening, grab a cup of tea and do some online shopping! There’s a great company called Conturve; heard of them? Online shopping can be quick and easy and allows you to get several gifts all in one go from the comfort of your home!


2. Do some festive baking



Do you ever find yourself scrolling through your phone on a cold wintery day as the rain taps on your window? Let’s face it, the weather can get in the way of many festive plans, but one activity it can’t touch? Festive baking.

Stick on some cheerful Christmas music, find a recipe and bake the afternoon away! If you’re in the mood for some alone time, this can be a therapeutic activity that will give you some time to yourself. If you’re after a more sociable festive baking day, invite some friends or family over and work as a team!

Some festive treat ideas could be mince pies, Christmas cookies or some gingerbread men, so roll up your sleeves and get baking!


3. Have a Christmas movie day




Christmas time can be a very busy period with the pressures of work, the struggles of being sociable and trying to fit everything in before the big day! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, we highly recommend taking some time to unwind and relax, whilst getting into the festive spirit.

A Christmas movie day sounds cliché however can be one of the most festive and relaxing ways to spend your time during the festive season. Take some time and make space to sit back and relax with loved ones to enjoy the cheesy yet uplifting films that come out around this time of year!

Of course, pick any movie you want but if the movie day happens to fall after the festive baking, then you might just enjoy it a tiny bit more


4. Go for a wintery walk



The colder weather can be very off-putting and the thought of leaving your sofa, let alone your house can be a big ask at Christmas. Having said that, the many health benefits as well as the impact on your mind and its stresses are released into the cold air are highly effective!

Release those endorphins, zip up your coat and go for a wintery walk. There’s nothing quite like a crisp winter morning when the low sun creeps through the cracks in the trees. Go with someone or alone, take in the winter views and let your worries float away into the cold air.


5. Catch up with friends and family



The festive season is all about reflecting on the year gone by, relaxing after the big build up and spending time with the people that mean the most to you. Make time to celebrate with your family and friends, whether that’s planning a gathering or going for a wintery walk together.

Include family time into your schedule and enjoy the social hustle and bustle of this time of year as you party, laugh and have fun. This time of year is the chance to have those big catch-ups, even if they’re long overdue!


6. Don’t forget to make time for yourself



With the business of the season, it can be easy to let your well-being and peace of mind slip away from you. You should always take care of yourself, your body and mind as you do what makes you happy. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some alone time and go for a walk, a run or even meditate to relieve your stress.

Whatever it is that makes you feel happy, calm and protects your inner peace, make that your priority and don’t let the business get you down. Do what makes you happy this festive period and let yourself relax and have fun. You’ve worked hard all year, you deserve it.

Connect with us at Conturve and let us know your festive plans today!